NNT'08 Conference

Invited Speakers
 Jun Mok Bae (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
 Byung-Kyu Lee (Samsung Advanced Inst. of Technol., Korea)
 Tetsuro Nakasugi (Toshiba, Japan)

 Jouni Ahopelto (VTT Micro & Nanoelectron., Finland)
 Stephen Y. Chou (Princeton Univ., USA)
 Sohmei Endoh (Sony, Japan)
 Babak Heidari (Obuducat, Sweden)
 Heon Lee (Korea Univ., Korea)
 Helmut Schift (Paul Scherrer Inst., Switzerland)
 Hiroshi Yoshida (Hitachi, Japan)

 Lon A. Wang (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)        
 (Alphabetical order)
Abstract Information
Abstract Deadline:June 30, 2008

  This describes instructions for the preparation of a camera-ready abstract. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a 2-page abstract. The abstract must clearly state the purpose, achievement and significance of the work. Please note that the most common cause of rejection of submitted papers is a lack of specific results, e.g. figures and tables, and of the description on experimental /theoretical procedures. The abstract must be prepared following the instruction because it is printed by the photo-offset method. The abstracts are published as the Digest of papers, which will be available for registrants at the conference.
  The abstract should be neatly typed on A4-size or US letter size (8.5 inches x  11 inches) plain white sheets. Type the title on the first line, authors’name(s) on the third line and addresses on the fourth line. Title, author(s) and address(es) should be typed centered. Begin the texts two lines below the last line of the title/author section. The second page should be used for indicating figures, tables and photographs. Caption should be typed underneath the figure and above the table.
 Additional typing guidelines are summarized in Table 1.
 Sectioning is not always required and is optional.
 An example of the abstract is found in ABSTRACT.EXAMPLE.pdf.
 Submit the abstract in a PDF format with the copyrigyt form.

Table1. Typing Guidelines for the abstract
PDF File: Please avoid setting up user password and master password in the
PDF files. A PDF file must be smaller than 3MByte.
Line spacing: single-spaced.
Format: An A4-size white bond paper or a 21.6cm×28cm is preferable. The
first page must include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s),
address, e-mail address, and article text.
Font Size: 11 - 12 point font is recommended for text.
Character: Times-Fonts Family and Helvetica-Fonts Family are recommended As
for Symbolic Characters such as (a) (m), please use Symbol-Fonts Family. DO
NOT use two byte characters and Asian Fonts, e.g., Japanese, Korean, and
Chinese characters, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, Ryumin, Batang etc.

Registration Information
Pre-Registration Fee - JPY 45,000
On-Site Registration Fee - JPY 55,000
Student Registration Fee - JPY 15,000
- JPY 5,000
Travel Information
Access of Kyoto (PDF file, 268kb)
Technical Exhibition's Information
Request Letter and Application form in Japanese (Word file)

Request Letter and Application form in English (Word file)

Copyright(c) Since 2007, The 7th Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology Conference